Malignant, directed by James Wan and written by Akela Cooper with a story from James Wan, Ingrid Bisu, and Akela Cooper, tells the story of Madison (Annabelle Wallis), a woman who has horrifying visions of a string of murders, propelling her into a journey of self-discovery and self-worth.
Malignant build moments of genuine fright through utilizing every aspect of the frame to grab our attention. In scenes reminiscent of the style of horror found in supernatural films, the cinematography, and set design work guide us through the eyes of the characters.
A refrigerator door opening and the almost blink-and-you-miss-it rise of a couch cushion burrow into your brain, no matter how small the moment may feel. The film builds horror well through what might seem as mundane actions by latching onto the small, simple things we fear in real life.