'Don't Look Up' Wasn't Much to Look Up to
Adam McKay might have been more concerned with cramming cameos than he was in this story which is a bloated criticism of the rich and famous… delivered unto us by the rich and famous.
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Adam McKay might have been more concerned with cramming cameos than he was in this story which is a bloated criticism of the rich and famous… delivered unto us by the rich and famous.
In episode 4 of 'Hawkeye,' things are getting real, from a mystery surrounding a Rolex watch to hints at a certain "big guy" to the reveal of [SPOILER].
Seven years after George Miller's previous film, 'Mad Max: Fury Road', he dives back into the scene with an equally daring movie. Although not nearly as action-packed, his newest film 'Three Thousand Years Of Longing' challenges the typical format of a film, giving you a well-known plot in an unexpected way.