Star-Crossed Lovers in Disney's 'Z-O-M-B-I-E-S'
This Disney Channel Original Movie shows how two different groups can coexist.
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In Disney's take on the Alexander Dumas tale, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy want nothing more than to perform brave deeds on behalf of their queen (Minnie Mouse), but they're stymied by the head Musketeer, Pete. Pete secretly wants to get rid of the queen, so he appoints Mickey and his bumbling friends as guardians to Minnie, thinking such a maneuver will ensure his scheme's success. The score features songs based on familiar classical melodies.
This Disney Channel Original Movie shows how two different groups can coexist.
The legacy of this movie starts off the film series with a bang of magic, plot twists, and battles.
These openly gay Hollywood figures risked so much by being honest about their sexuality: judgment, loss of employment, hate – even violence and death.