Semoy Booker
June 13, 2021

2.5 / 5

3.5 / 5
Ang Lee's 'Hulk': Bruce Banner's Inner Demon
Ang Lee’s Hulk was not given much praise by critics, and has become a forgotten Marvel movie compared to its highest-grossing movies, like Iron Man and Thor. While the movie had its flaws, Ang Lee gave a worthy interpretation of The Hulk. The Hulk is a manifestation that Bruce had been suppressing all his life. In fact, it was his suppressed childhood trauma that, had kept the Hulk at bay for all these years. When Bruce is exposed to gamma radiation, instead, of the radiation creating the Hulk, it only unleashed it. Stan Lee, the creator of Hulk, was inspired by the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a scientist, who meant to release his dark nature, so he wouldn’t be confined to his Victorian era. Ang Lee brilliantly represented Bruce Banner as Dr. Jekyll, the timid scientist, and Hulk as Mr. Hyde, the volatile persona, who causes destruction. Hulk emphasizes that, everyone has their demons that, we try to conceal from the people we love and from society, but when our demons are not dealt with, it’s only a matter of time before they begin to control us. After being exposed to the gamma, we can see through Bruce’s subconsciousness a door breaking, the door being a memory Bruce had kept hidden and also served as a containment for the Hulk. When the door is open, we see the Hulk waiting to be summoned. This interpretation of Marvel’s superhero is unlike any superhero movie, it illustrates realistically, so we can empathize with Bruce’s inner struggle against himself (The Hulk)
One aspect to keep in mind is that, Hulk is an origin story and makes the film character-driven, another superhero movie that is both origin and character-driven is Spider-Man
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