An Aquatic Tale of The Little Mermaid (2023)
The live-action remake brings adventure and shows viewers why representation is important in a Disney Princess movie.
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Honey Girls (2021) is a musical movie that is centered around a trio of girls called the Honey Girls. Mega pop star, Fancy G, hosts a contest to find the next big solo artist. But our three contestants realize they are stronger as a musical trio and secretly form a band called Honey Girls. The mysterious group becomes a huge hit.
The beginning shows the girls' auditions. Alex T. is from Houston, Texas; Brit C. is from Nashville, Tennessee; and Daniella G. is from Chicago. The names of the girls, their ages, and their hometowns are shown in pink handwritten subtitles at the bottom.
Fancy G is played by Ashanti, a woman of color. She is a mega pop star who has luxuries, such as a mansion with fancy furniture. From looking at the setting of Honey Girls, viewers can infer that the selection of the next solo artist is a big competition. The young ladies who are selected to go to Fancy G's mansion in Los Angeles, California, are carrying their luggage cases and experiencing the luxuries of the pop star's life. Fancy G's mansion is very similar to a sorority house; only the selected girls get a chance to live the fun sorority lifestyle.
The theme of Honey Girls is auditioning for a big role, whether it is a part in the musical or a chance to perform a solo or group act. The young ladies are being tested on their singing and dancing abilities. The trio is struggling to write a song by themselves and realizes they are better as a team.
Overall, Honey Girls does offer viewers some representation of women of color.
Mega pop star, Fancy G, hosts a contest to find the next big solo artist. But the young contestants realize they are "better together" and secretly form a band called Honey Girls and become a huge hit cloaked in mystery.
The live-action remake brings adventure and shows viewers why representation is important in a Disney Princess movie.
'The Worst Person In The World' follows a part of life I don't see often portrayed on-screen: extended adolescence.
As I typed this, Chris Evans was being “cancelled” on Twitter. I did a little research on this since I always thought Chris Evans was well-received. It turns out the backlash is because of a white savior movie he made called Red Sea Diving Resort.