'Merry & Gay': A smart and heartfelt LGBTQ Christmas venture
The film centers around two young women, Becca and Sam, who were once high school sweethearts until they reconnect in their town.
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During the Republican run of the 2008 Presidential election, candidate John McCain picks a relative unknown, Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, to be his running mate. As the campaign kicks into high gear, her lack of experience, in both political and media savvy, becomes a drain upon McCain and his strategists.
The film centers around two young women, Becca and Sam, who were once high school sweethearts until they reconnect in their town.
Being made after the death of Chadwick Boseman will be a hard but exciting ride for this Marvel entry.
By depicting 4 different stories, Director Sergio Tovar Velarde keeps the focus on the shared humanity and search for love (both self and romantic) of various gay Mexican men.