Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is a 2022 animated reboot based on the book of the same name. There are noticeable differences from the
live-action movie of the same name. First, is that the sequel follows
the Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2021 reboot. The actors who voiced the animated characters reprise their roles. The animation style remains the same in this sequel. Second, is that there are several differences in the events that take place in the movie. Third, is that the sibling rivalry in this movie is different from the sibling rivalry in the live-action movie.
This version of
Rodrick Rules is based on the most recent book in the
Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, titled
Diaper Overload. There is an original song performed by the band Loaded Diaper, which is the exact song the band performs in
Diaper Overload. Some events that take place in this reboot are the house party while the boys' parents are away, how the brothers' bonding improves at the end of the movie, and the talent shows the band performs in. However, these events have different outcomes.
Compared to the events in the live-action movie, the events end differently in the reboot. In the live-action movie, Greg and Rodrick take photos of the house party without remembering they took the pictures, while in the reboot, Greg stays in the basement and takes the photos as evidence that his brother broke the house rules. In the live-action movie, the brothers go to Grandpa's house as a punishment, which Rodrick doesn't like, while in the reboot, the brothers go to Grandpa's house, and Rodrick is excited about it. In the live-action movie, Bill Walter hires a new drummer for the band, while in the reboot, Greg becomes the replacement drummer.
Like in the first reboot of the
Diary of a Wimpy Kid