If you’re looking for an engaging female-led film that touches on the genres of action, drama, and thriller, look no further than Le-Van Kiet’s "Furie". This tense, heart-pinching, action-packed film leaves you on the edge of your seat-and on the verge of tears."Furie" originally titled "Hai Phuong" is a Vietnamese film, which was released by Studio68 in February of 2019 in Vietnam and March 2019 in the United States. The film stars Veronica Ngo as Hai Phuong, Mai Cát Vi as Mai, Hoa Thanh as Thanh Wolf, and Thanh Nhien Phan as Captain Vu Trong Luong.This film portrays the lengths a mother will go to to protect her children. Hai Phuong is a single mother to her daughter Mai, living in a small town in the countryside of Vietnam. Hai tries hard to make ends meet as a debt collector, using her particular skill set as an ex-gangster. Mai doesn’t hide her disapproving view of her mother’s source of income and insists they can find another way.