'How To Train Your Dragon' (2010): An Endearing Story of Fortitude, Forgiveness, and Friendship
An unlikely friendship changes the hearts of men, and helps a young boy come into his own.
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A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.
An unlikely friendship changes the hearts of men, and helps a young boy come into his own.
That feeling in your gut which tells you that there’s something out there you should look for and make your own, is what the power represents
Perhaps the most amazing and groundbreaking quality about The Birdcage is how removed it is from both illness and insensitivity. Whereas films preceding it were often somber stories about the tribulations of being gay in a conservatively straight world, Nichols and screenwriter Elaine May expose the fallacies of conservatism as traditional values are thrown into a more open-minded space. They don’t care how far the community has fallen so much as how high they can rebuild themselves.