Incluvie Classics: Strong Women and Gender Expression in Alfred Hitchcock's “Psycho.”
Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 film "Pyscho" is an American film classic that still resonates today.
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“NiuNiu” was a 5-minute treasure. The film is a powerful narrative encompassing a theme that many people can identify with. On top of that, this is accomplished with almost no dialogue.
Our leading lady, Nani Strides, displays subtle emotions to tell the story of a woman who has trouble connecting with others. As an introverted individual, I can identify with the situations she finds herself in, such as attending a group gathering only to end up people-watching. In the world we currently live in, with COVID isolating many of us from our loved ones, this will likely hit home with many audience members — especially those who would sooner seek solace in their pets than show weakness to other people.
The film is beautifully shot, and in looking at the IMDB credits (this film is listed under “Mina”) I notice the background actors and the artists behind the scenes are a very diverse group, which is lovely to see. I would also like to point out the simplicity of the sets. This allows the performances to shine through, especially that of the snail, who is clearly a cute little Oscar winner in the making.
My only wish-list item would be that I would have loved to see a bit more representation situationally of the lead’s struggle to connect with other people. Without the synopsis, I may have missed this, which is a core part of why this story attracts an audience with similar struggles.
Working this into the overall character arc would have been the cherry on the cupcake for me, however, “NiuNiu” was still a very heart-warming film. Well done team!
Incluvie Film Fest review originally published by Jessica Moutray on December 6, 2020.
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Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 film "Pyscho" is an American film classic that still resonates today.